Study of Edits

I’ve done a few of these in the past on my other blog and decided it was about time to post one on here, it being my official, fancy, photo blog and all. I am currently on a ten day adventure with one of my friends and my two dogs, traveling from my current home in Seattle to San Francisco. In Benicia, where we’re staying, is a tea cafe that serves endless varieties of tea… now this isn’t some off the street tea, you get in a to-go cup. No, it’s a fancy, get-your-own-kettle type of place. It was amazing. (I had some raspberry tea, in case you were wondering.)

Anyways, for the edits, I chose to do a black & white and color version. I always do this because I can never truly decide which I like better… which leads me to end up keeping both and weeks later, wondering why I have so many different versions of the same image. I digress. The edits are softly lit with no vibrancy… I wanted to focus on the object itself, and use the filters to play off the object and bring more life to it. The black and white edit allows you to see the contrast of the image, and truly focus your attention on the object itself, which so happens to be a tea strainer. The color version just plays up the stainless steel of the object by grasping the minimal light there was in the room. I also framed the image so that the strainer lies in the center of the image, giving you more reason to stare at it.



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